Nose Games

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Introduction to Nose Games

  • For dogs that have completed Beginning or Puppy II class.

Intermediate Nose Games

This class builds upon all of the skills that your dog has learned—search skills, alerts, and handling. You will learn how to read your dog’s change of behavior like a pro through various searches and scents.  We will introduce discrimination and new scents.  Don’t miss the fun!

Outdoor Nose Games

This class works on scent work in the Great Outdoors!  We will take our three scents taught in previous classes to the outside and the new skill of finding human scent will be introduced!  This is easily on of our favorite classes!  

Advanced Nose Games – Level 1

This class will work on advanced level searches using all three previously taught scents introducing distraction within the problems.  Focus on having clear, consistent indications.  Pre Requisite: Intermediate Nose Games

Advanced Nose Games – Level 2

This class will involve advanced searches and concepts. We will work inside and outside weather permitting. This class can be repeated and will curriculum will be adjusted based on class participants.

Positive training with positive results!